Thursday, 9 June 2022

What is Sediment Hydraulics? part 1 : What is Sediment Hydraulics?

River during flood

  • During a flood, a river is brown and muddy. This is due to the sediment transport with water.

in normal


Fig. A river in normal and flooding conditions []

  • The amount (concentration) of sediment transport depends on the flow of the river and catchment characteristics.

Fig. Confluence of Arve and Rhone rivers : []

Fig. Confluence of Tama and Nippara rivers

Sediment transport in a river during a flood

There are different sizes of sediment during a flood: coarse sediment rolling along the river bed, slightly fine sediment jumping from the river bed, and much finer sediment suspending in water.

What is “Sediment Hydraulics”?

  • A discipline that addresses problems caused by sediment transport in a river
  • Although it is a part of hydraulics, it is often treated independently as “Sediment Hydraulics,” “Hydraulics of Sediment Transport,” etc.
  • Many points are not yet clarified academically and have not been systematized.
  • Difficulty is high in hydraulics.
  • These classes of hydraulics are not really studied.

Key words of “Sediment Hydraulics”

“Sediment Transport”

  • The sentiment moved by river flow

“River Bed Variation”

  • The riverbed shape changes due to sediment transport imbalance.

What is Sediment Hydraulics? part 1 : What is Sediment Hydraulics?

River during flood During a flood, a river is brown and muddy. This is due to the sediment transport with water. in normal floodi...